
A seminar about public and private procurement

A seminar in Umeå to introduce public procurement and other procurement instruments to increase the number of CNG-operated vehicles. The programme included national procurement expertise, CNG procurement experiences and general information about biogas and bioCNG. Read more

“If we get the infrastructure in place, I’ll procure biogas vehicles. I’ll actually prepare for this in the coming procurement round.”
Laine Nilsson, Norrbotten County Council


EU study visit

We invited an exclusive group of biogas VIPs from regions in Europe that face the same challenges as we do to collect European experiences with biomethane as a way of improving the BioGaC Guide and strengthening the European strategic network. This study visit exploited the region’s deep knowledge of locally produced biomethane for public transportation.

As a result of the study visit, , nearly one year later we arranged a seminar during the EU Open Days for regions and cities. Read more

“For me the biggest impression so far is the fact that you are working on all steps of the circle — from production to fuel and the market, which makes me re­ally happy. In many places in Europe they concentrate on only one aspect of the large spectrum of steps that the circle of biogas really is.”
Leon Stille, TNO

“This visit is very interesting and that the factories for biomethane are up and running and are successful surprised me. I will bring this knowledge back to Ireland and try to initiate the biomethane industry. I can now tell them that this is really working, it is not science fiction. A biogas industry creates local jobs and make us less dependent on fossil fuels, and this is very important for Ireland.”
Laura Gil Carerra Gas Network Ireland. Post Doc.

”This has been two great days. I will now rethink project ideas that we had in 2008, and also look into waste trucks driven by biomethane. I have new knowledge to do this now.”
Mārtiņš Niklass, project manager at the waste company ZAOO in Latvia


What you need to know when transporting gas – Gas på väg

We arranged a seminar to discuss the following questions: What regulations apply when transporting gas? How do we reduce the cost for transport? Read more


“Driving forces for the fuel of the future”. Almedalen

The BioGaC project presented at a seminar during the most important forum in Swedish politics, Almedalen Week. The seminar was video documented, and moderated by the popular television journalist Sverker Olofsson. One of the speakers was the former national politicians from the Green Party in Sweden, Maria Wetterstrand. The most knowledgeable experts in biogas took part in open discussions together with representatives from the project. 

Here you can watch the videos from the seminar and a short interview with Maria Wetterstrand.

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“Climate friendly transport in the city” Klimatsmarta transporter i City

We arranged a day to discuss the possibilities here and now for reducing the negative impacts of transports in cities. Forty-four representatives from industry associations, fleet operators, distributors and commissioners of freight and transport contributed to the day.  

“If customers require climate-friendly transport, we will deliver it”, says a transport stakeholder.

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Future sustainable energy supply through innovative partnerships — biomethane and CNG as an example

IPSE2020 was formed after the study visit to northern Sweden and western Finland in November 2014. Six European regions and cities worked together promoting biomethane to regional policymakers.

We are all dependent on transport. Having this said, biomethane and natural gas are very good alternatives for managing transport needs and also handling external emissions and climate change. The workshop gave the audience a good overview on the biomethane industry in Europe, as well as the increasing market of CNG vehicles. About 90 people from 13 countries attended the workshop. Read more


BioGaC Finale – Amazing results displayed in final conference

The project celebrated its successful results with a big final conference. These two interactive days saw almost everyone in the audience on stage or contributing in one way or another.

So what do we need to do now?

It is very obvious that the stakeholders want to take action and there are a lot of things to be done in the near future. There need to be fuel-points for fossil-free fuels including charging possibilities. There need to be more biomethane and CNG fuelling stations need to increase and production needs to increase, even in peripheral areas. Mobile tourist fuel stations were mentioned as one alternative, to be placed at ski resorts during winter season and at the beaches during summer.

We need a concrete map to show how the implementation of fossil-free transport could look like. This would emphasise bring new stakeholders on board. Perhaps the most important action is to work with the market so that vehicles driven using fossil-free fuels increases. Design and marketing will be important tools.

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Underlying reports (in Swedish only):

2014 Attityder hos gasbilsförare och förbättringsområden för branschen. WDO

2015 Lokala och regionala förutsättningar kring omställning till alternativa drivmedel. WDO

2015 Att introducera fordonsgas. Mats Håkansson

2015 Skrivna avtal för att öka tydligheten och minska riskerna, Mats Håkansson

2015 Styrmedel och stöd. Rapport BioGaC. Mats Håkansson

2015 Master Thesis Industrial Design, Sebastian Hägelstam

2016 Att etablera fordonsgas utanfor naturgasnatet - upskalnings analys. Bertil Carlsson


Internal newsletters have been published, providing information and achievements and are available to partners and important stakeholders during the project. These include politicians from the regions in the EU and in the municipalities, the Organisation for the Swedish Haulage Industry, companies providing transports in constructions, logistic and industry, Swedish refineries, neighbouring municipalities and financiers.